Caregivers in Tequesta

Hourly Certified Nursing Assistants and Home Health Aides in Tequesta, FL

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    In Home Caregivers and Assisted Living Support for the Elderly

    Looking for a licensed caregiver in Tequesta, Florida? Accountable Home Care refers licensed caregivers for companion care and assistance with daily living. At Accountable Home Care, we understand that aging is part of the circle of life. Being available to provide elder care in Tequesta is an honor. We realize health set backs do occur and want to be a resource for you and your family. That’s why area physicians in Palm Beach Gardens and Jupiter works with Accountable Home Care when it comes to non medical home care services. Our goal is to help the elderly and disable thrive at home as long as possible.

    Tequesta Caregivers - Certified Nursing Assistants and Home Health Aides

    We refer licensed, certified nursing assistants / HHAs for personal hands on care and companionship. Often times our clients need a little extra help around the house. Whether it’s running errands, getting to doctor’s appointments or just having someone to talk to, our non medical home care services can be a lifesaver.

    Licensed Caregivers – Certified Nursing Assistants and Home Health Aides Available in Palm Beach County for the elderly living in Tequesta 

    Free In-Home Care Assessment Call Now 561-320-0055

    A nurse registry like Accountable Home Care, Inc. located next door to Carmine’s Marketplace off PGA Boulevard can offer a variety of hourly senior caregivers to Tequesta residents with companionship and non-medical home care support services. Accountable Home Care refers a number of caregivers throughout Central and Northern Palm Beach County. Caregivers are licensed and offer companionship and assistance with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing and transferring.  Often times Tequesta residents hire a caregiver to maintain a routine each week and to help run errands throughout North Palm Beach County.

    Serving Tequesta Residential Communities and Senior Living throughout The Palm Beaches

    Tequesta Terrace – Assisted Living and Memory Care

    The Waterford – Independent Living and Skilled Nursing and Rehabiliation 

    Tequesta Country Club

    Turtle Creek

    Alzheimer’s Care throughout Tequesta, FL

    A licensed certified nursing assistant (CNA) can provide invaluable support to clients who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or other memory impairments while aging in place at home. Whether your loved one is in a memory care facility such as Mangrove Bay off A1A or a residential home, a licensed CNA can help with personal care tasks such as bathing, grooming, and dressing, which can be challenging for individuals with memory impairments. They can also provide medication reminders to ensure that they are taking the right medication at the right time.

    In addition to personal care tasks, CNAs can provide companionship and socialization to prevent isolation and improve the client’s quality of life. They can engage the client in activities that are mentally stimulating and enjoyable, such as games, puzzles, and other hobbies. They can also provide assistance with mobility and transfers to prevent falls and ensure the client’s safety. Furthermore, CNAs can work with the client’s family and other healthcare providers to develop and implement a care plan that addresses the client’s individual needs and preferences, such as dietary restrictions, exercise programs, and other therapies that may be beneficial. By providing compassionate and professional care, CNAs can help clients with memory impairments maintain their independence and dignity while aging in place at home.

    Elder Care with Assistance with Daily Living at Home in Tequesta

    1. Personal care assistance, such as bathing, grooming, and dressing.
    2. Meal preparation and feeding assistance.
    3. Medication reminders and assistance with self-administration of medications.
    4. Light housekeeping, such as laundry and general cleaning.
    5. Transportation assistance to appointments, errands, and social activities.
    6. Companionship and socialization to prevent isolation.
    7. Assistance with mobility and transfers, such as getting in and out of bed or using a wheelchair.
    8. Assistance with exercises and physical therapy programs.
    9. Respite care for family caregivers to take a break.
    10. Assistance with coordinating and arranging other services, such as home modifications or medical equipment rental.

    It is important to note that the specific services offered by a nurse registry such as Accountable Home Care may vary depending on the individual needs of each elderly client.

    Surrounding South Florida Cities for Hourly Home Care:

    Senior Care Resources:

    Nurse Registries such as Accountable Home Care offer independent contractors licensed to provide non-medical in home care for the elderly. Call today to learn more about services and caregivers we can refer your family to.

    Learn More about a Career as a Licensed Caregiver

    Our highly trained and experienced CNAs offer companionship and assistance with daily living such as bathing, dressing, transferring and meal preparation. Accountable Home Care – because your independence is our top priority.

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