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Palm Beach Gardens In-Home Senior Care

We offer a broad range of in-home care services to support the body, mind and spirit of each of our clients. Making a positive difference in someone’s life allowing them to age in place with dignity is the mission of Accountable Home Care.

Because we are locally owned and operated, our care navigators understand and respect the diverse culture that makes Palm Beach and Martin Counties so unique.

Directions: We are located on the North East corner of PGA and Prosperity Farms Road in the same shopping plaza as Carmine’s Deli and Restaurant.  Angry Moon Restaurant is next door to our main entrance.

Exit PGA Blvd in Palm Beach Gardens from 1-95 and head East toward the beach.  You will pass the Garden’s Mall on your left.  Proceed East for approximately 3 miles passing the intersection of Prosperity Farms Road and PGA Boulevard.  Take the first left after crossing the intersection into Harbourside Financial Plaza.

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In-Home Assessment Today
